What is Nutritional therapy?

Natural support

Nutritional Therapy applies the latest evidence-based nutrition science to provide personalised care, promote health and enhance your quality of life.

As a registered Nutritional Therapist, who specialises in fertility and hormonal health, I am uniquely trained to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalance to understand how these may contribute to presenting symptoms and reproductive health issues.

What I do

I provide bespoke nutritional and lifestyle strategies to help address these imbalances, and in doing so support any underlying conditions, and optimise health, well-being, and fertility on an individual basis.

Nutritional Therapy is recognised as complementary to conventional medicine and is therefore not a replacement for medical advice. As such, I work alongside or refer to medical and healthcare professionals to ensure inter-discipline continuity of care.

What are naturopathic principles

Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy states that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself (when given the right environment) and, when working at an optimal level, to ward off disease.

Treat the whole person. Naturopathic Nutritional Therapists work from the perspective that health and disease are more than just germs and infection. Mental, physical, spiritual and environmental factors each play a role.

First, do no harm. This tenet is, of course, part of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians. Naturopathic Nutritional Therapists generally avoid methods that merely relieve symptoms without addressing the cause. This is the foundation of another principle.

Identify the cause. Instead of treating symptoms, naturopaths seek to identify, understand and treat the underlying cause. Symptoms are not the cause of illness - they simply indicate that your body is out of balance. The cause is often more difficult to identify. It could be anything from a vitamin or mineral deficiency to an emotional problem. By identifying and addressing (or removing) the cause, the symptoms can be relieved rather than suppressed.

Prevention. Naturopathic Nutritional Therapists places great emphasis on prevention. They assess your risk factors and make suggestions that will support your good health.

An educator. The role of a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist is also as an educator; teaching people how to take responsibility for their own health. This may involve suggesting nutritional, emotional, dietary or other lifestyle changes.