My Top Ten Tips for Hormone Balance
1. Keep your blood sugar in check:
Prevent the blood sugar rollercoaster by eating at consistent times and including a source of quality protein with every meal. Erratic blood sugar can over stimulate your stress hormones and increase inflammation levels within the body.
2. Consume enough fibre:
You need to poop at least once every day. Without this, oestrogen metabolites and toxins can get recirculated in the body causing hormone havoc. Regular fibre intake helps keep your bowls regular so that your body can excrete any unwanted substances out. You should aim for at least 30g a day.
3. Eat the rainbow:
Everyone knows they need to eat more fruit and veg but recent studies are also suggesting the variety of fruit and veg you eat also matters, as a range of phytochemicals and fibres help increase the diversity of your gut microbiome.
4. Embrace fat:
Your brain is nearly 60% fat, and all our sex hormones are made form cholesterol. Some great healthy fats to include on regular basis: avocados, oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, hemp, flax, and chia seeds, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil.
5. Move your body every day:
Your bodies need regular movement to aid your circulation and detoxification processes. Exercise also improves blood sugar regulation and can help lower your stress hormones.
6. Learn to live in sync with your cycle:
Your hormones fluctuate throughout your cycle and therefore require adjustments to diet and routine. Adapt your routine to which phase you are in within your cycle.
7. Minimise toxin exposure:
There are many harmful endocrine disrupting chemicals out there that can impact hormonal balance and fertility -take a low at EWG site to assess your cleaning/toiletry products and think about making a gradual shift.
8. Get natural sunlight every day:
Try to avoid being glued to screen all day. Your laptop and phone screens carry blue light that can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Getting some natural light into your eyes early in the morning can help regulate your melatonin production. Wearing blue light blocking glasses in the evening can also be a great idea.
9. Remember to unwind:
So many women feel ‘tired and wired’; their brains cannot fully switch off. Stress can significantly impact our hormones. Remember to give yourself permission to relax in your day. Invest in activities that help calm your mind and body such as restorative yoga, meditation, a walk-in nature.
10. Get your beauty sleep:
A good night’s sleep is one of the best gifts you can give your body. Sleep is such a powerful reset and can help regulate your hormones. Aim for 7-8 hours a night.
If you are interested in utilising Nutritional Therapy to support hormone balance - then take a look at Eleanor’s Package Options.